Monday, November 18, 2019

Networking Conversation Starters That Wont Bore Everyone

Networking Conversation Starters That Wont Bore Everyone Networking Conversation Starters That Wont Bore Everyone 1Sure, you could begin a networking conversation with “Lovely weather today, isn’t it?” However, mundane icebreakers leave little to build off of, which makes it tougher to accomplish your ultimate goal of forging new relationships. But trying to be witty from the get-go also can backfire. Such openings often come off as unnatural or silly. Unless you’re at Comic-Con, who really wants a stranger asking which superhero you’d most like to be? Strike a balance by trying out interesting, appropriate networking conversation starters. Here are a few networking conversation starters that wont bore everyone in the room: Use variants of “What do you do?” Yes, it is rather standard, but the answer can open up a realm of possibilities. The key is to run in an exciting direction with the learned information. For instance, if you discover someone’s job involves travel, ask him which cities are his favorites to visit. If your new acquaintance is a communications specialist, ask if she has always been interested in that field or if she worked in other industries. You may find out she planned to be a nurse until fainting at the sight of blood! Or try this icebreaker from Patti DeNucci, author of The Intentional Networker. “A woman I met at my gym asked me, ‘So, what do  you do when youre not here?’ Its brilliant and launched a nice friendship. It led to comparing notes on other hobbies and interests (besides working out) as well  as our careers and families. Now we have much more context on which to build additional conversations.” Look for situational cues. Love someone’s necklace? Let her know, and she may provide a fascinating story of when she bought it in Paris. Just finished listening to a speaker? Ask the person sitting next to you for her take on a particular point. From a unique painting on the wall to the awesome food at the buffet, topics are waiting. Demonstrate cordial excitement. “If you see someone at an event you’ve always wanted to meet or someone you admire, it’s okay to approach them politely and strike up a conversation,” DeNucci says. “Tell the person something you admire or appreciate about them. Keep it brief. Perhaps something like, ‘Excuse me, Ms. Jones? My name is Jenny Smith. You don’t know me, but I am a fan of your work and I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed and benefited from your book.’ Chances are if you are gracious and considerate, they’ll really appreciate meeting you.” Address the elephant. Totally stuck? Awkwardness abounds at networking events, so others oftentimes will simply be glad that you have the guts to make the first move. Try a few gems from this Muse article: Im trying to make myself meet new people here instead of just talking to the usual suspects. Do you mind me saying hello and introducing myself? Ill be honest,  the only person I know here is the bartender,  and I just met him two minutes ago. Mind if I introduce myself? “If there is one question you do not want me to ask you, because you are sick and tired of answering it, what question would that be?” “The main thing is to show genuine interest in others and offer follow up questions,” DeNucci says.  â€œInterestingly, a good listener is  often considered the most charming and  fascinating person in the room!”

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